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Results for: 'USA'

Shoo, go away

By: unitedstates, Views: 5444

Get out / United States

Sweeping someone out of your site Usually done to dogs and other animals distracting you.


By: America, Views: 1913

Bye / Uruguay

Gesture: Wave hand Causal bye


By: America, Views: 1506

Thank you / Uruguay

Gesture: Open palm facing up in front of you Causal

I have an Idea

By: unitedstates, Views: 1937

I have an Idea / United States

When you are struck with a exciting idea

Don't come close

By: unitedstates, Views: 1602

Don't come close / United States

A charm Putting a cross in from of you for protection

Don't come close

By: unitedstates, Views: 1439

Don't come close / United States

A charm Putting a cross in from of you for protection

Different meaning 2

By: sample1, Views: 1955

[Site Feature] / Global

USA: A cross for protection Japan: mimic a character " Shime" to close my bill

It's hot

By: unitedstates, Views: 4041

It's hot( Weather) / United States

Waving both hands like a fan

It's hot

By: unitedstates, Views: 1876

It's hot( Weather) / United States

Waving a single hand like a fan